Sunday, January 28, 2024


 Foggy.  To.The.Ground.

The pond was almost totally absorbed.

It rained during morning chores so I put the hay nets under the shed roof.

This afternoon I sent to Sara's house and 4 of us got together to sing some Doo-Wop songs.  Acapella.  Who knows if this will go anywhere.  We had good time messing around with three or four.
It had started to snow before I left and was still snowing when I got home.
I went out early to tuck the boys in, thinking they would be soaked (only on the top of their sheets) but they were not.  They must have spent some time in the indoor today.  Smarter than I thought.

Sat by the fire to watch a little football, when Jenny stopped up with a big bowl of her homemade chili.  That took care of dinner.  I love surprises.

It's supposed to keep snowing, but I don't think it will stick around.
Night all.


  1. We still have dense fog here. I think it has been foggy for almost a week now!
    Morning ice and afternoon slush is how we roll.

    Maybe the snow won't stay!

    I'm sure glad you are feeling better.

  2. We had dense fog all day yesterday. The sun has finally made an appearance today. I think doo-wop would be a lot of fun to sing! I wish I had a Jenny. 😉


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