Tuesday, January 30, 2024


The paddock was frozen this morning, but the temperature went up to 37 and now it's back to mud.

After chores Gary went to Yoga and out to lunch with his pals.
I got out my drums....would like to sell them if possible.

This is my first drum.  I painted the bottom and eventually sold it to a friend.
Could not wait to learn.

This one is a djembe that was ordered for me (from Ghana) by Khalid S.  He taught drumming at the college, was the musical director for Sankofa and every Saturday he held a session from 1-4 at the Strasser dance studio.  If you had the desire, he would have you drumming within half an hour.  I did this for about 7 years and loved it.

A friend gave me the one below....

and I got this one as I wanted to play with sticks.
I made the one below out of a 55 gallon drum.
I'm going to keep this one.  It's small and has a full sound.
Our Saturday drumming group would play for various events, like the Pink Ribbon Run (to raise $ for Cancer) and other half marathons.
This is Khalid....such a master.

Sankofa (a drumming and dance ensemble at the college) held performances every spring for over 2 decades and I was there for most of them.  They allowed me to take photos during dress rehearsals.

I also had the opportunity to play a couple times for convocation at the college.  It was to welcome the students each fall and there must have been a couple thousand people there.  A very powerful start to their first semester.

Khalid is above and below is Clyde Morgan.  He was the choreographer for Sankofa and the African Dance teacher at the college.  He and Khalid were quite a team.
This outfit was given to me by a friend who traveled to Africa.
I did a painting on silk that is part of a huge wall hanging in the auditorium at the High School were I taught art (until I retired in 1999).  That was long before I started drumming.  I do miss those days!

Now back to reality.  My pup and I had a nice quiet afternoon....we waited for some sunshine but it never showed up.

Of course the front paddock was a mess.

The boys must love being on dry shavings.
Hot dogs and beans for dinner...not in a cooking mood.

We opened another jar of Gary's dills.  So good!
Night all.



  1. When it gets sloppy it seems we have to dedicate one area for a messy area. I shut the mules off from the nice pasture out back so they don't rip it up.

    Our mornings are still frozen and we will break records near 50 today and the rest of the week. That will make things mucky.

    I hope you find buyers for all of your cool drums!

  2. You are multitalented! It's a diverse and wonderful life you have. The drums are works of art themselves. I also have not been in a cooking mood.


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