Monday, December 25, 2023

Fog, 55 Degrees, Sunshine and War Paint

Woke up to fog.

Gary helped me with chores and we were done in no time.  He puts in fresh water, dumps the wheelbarrow and sweeps.

Before feeding I cleaned and refilled the water trough.  We use a hose, so it was nice that it was not going to freeze.
Mud all over the place.
The good light appeared before noon.

I made spaghetti sauce...Gary split more wood.  He sure feels better than I do.  Last night I was in bed for over 10 hours.

Watched a movie and the Kansas City game.  They must be so mad that they lost to Las Vegas!
It sure was nice not to have it so dark at chore time.
I had to do some serious grooming before tucking the boys in.

See the moon?

I sure wish this Covid crap would disappear.  This is my 9th day and I'm going to take a test.
Spags for dinner.....then I took another Covid test.  Still positive!!!!!!!
Night all.



  1. Sorry to hear the test was positive still after this time.
    It really sucks, but I suppose Covid will be around in one way shape or form from now on.

    But at least you are making it day by day.
    Good for you.

  2. So many people have caught it lately and it seems to affect each a different way as well as length of time. Sadly it seems older folks are taking longer to fight it off and maybe you could have picked up RSV too so probably should make sure it’s not that too. Keep hydrated. Kathy

  3. At least Gary feels better and can carry a bit more of the load. Stay rested and hydrated.


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