Sunday, September 3, 2023

Very Short

A beautiful day.  The breeze kept it from feeling too hot.

This morning Gary made another pot of sauce.
The tomatoes are so heavy they are falling on the ground even when they are not fully ripe.
I made a quick trip to Wegmans, did some weed whacking, laundry and changed the sheets.  That was it.  A very lazy day.  Grilled chicken, leftover sweet potato salad, tomatoes and corn on the cob for dinner.
Pretty grey at chore time.
Can you see Sidney?

Night all.



  1. Wow, lots n lots of tomatoes! We have a lot too but with the heat and dryness, they are just hanging there!

    Looks like a nice day!

  2. Why do your lazy days make me feel like a lump! Gary sure is a keeper. Today and tomorrow are hopefully the last of the blast furnace days for the year. We had a roasted chicken last night.


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