Tuesday, September 12, 2023

The Rainbow Connection

The weather was nothing special.  After being grey most of the day, it finally rained.

I did a few things around the house and Gary did too.  Company coming.
Several months ago, my cousin David and his wife came to the farm for a visit.  I had not seen him for almost 60 years and we had a spectacular time connecting.  Today, his sister Patty (from Florida) stopped in for a few hours and I have not seen her for decades either.  She has been on a three week journey with her pup, Bubba.  Before coming here, she was at my brother's house in Lakewood.
We started off with lunch and never stopped talking.
Bubba felt right at home and Little Wonder was very nice to him.
Before leaving, I gave her a tour.  Many of her children and grandchildren have horses and she wanted to meet Rebel and Buddy.

She is just a couple years younger and plays tennis 4 times a week.  I am so jealous!
Of course I was dressed in one of my barn ensembles.
By 4 she and Bubba were on their way to Holland, New York and tomorrow she will head toward Kentucky.
Seeing that we are through making sauce, I roasted all of the remaining peppers and added Greek olives, Feta cheese, chives, some vinegar and olive oil.  Classic.
When I went out to do chores, BAM! there was a fabulous rainbow,

By then it had rained and it sure was dark.

We are officially off duty.
Night all.



  1. What a great visit. Never mind barn gear, the clothes don't really matter when family meet again.

  2. That looks like nice barn clothes to me. It's really great thing to have reconnected to family after all that time. You two look fantastic. I'm envious!


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