Monday, September 25, 2023

The Post Journal

In the 60s all day long.

I left the boot on Rebel during the day and took it off tonight.  Tomorrow is a spa day and I will soak him one more time before deciding if he still needs to wear it.  He was walking pretty well today...90%.

Gary was very ambitious, putting away two air conditioners and washing windows. I spent quite a bit of time on two projects that involve lists of people, invitations and responses before going to the massage therapist at 3pm.

Check this out....
A friend sent us the article from the Jamestown Post Journal.  The story of the ring goes on!

Took it easy when I got back to the farm and managed to make a yummy dinner.
Pork chops with carrots and onions....
mashed potatoes....
and a simple salad.

Out for chores by 7 and as you can see, it was pretty dark.

Tucked the boys in and am off duty.
Night all.


1 comment:

  1. The whole ring story is fascinating. Gary is a star! It's good Rebel is better, what you've done has worked well. Dinner looks terrific.


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