Thursday, September 28, 2023

Gary's 80th Birthday

Yet another sunny, crispy day.  Once again, Rebel was very lame when I went out for morning chores.  He still wants to go out and manages to travel from pasture to pasture, but he does not want to put his heel down.  I feel so bad for him.  Tomorrow morning I will soak his foot for a long time and put on another wrap. 

Jerry, my hay guy, brought over a sample of some grass hay and he had some recent first cutting that he was not able to get in earlier.  Have to make up my mind about what I want to buy.

Bridge at 1:00.  Andrea was my partner and we came in first!

Jenny and Scott took Gary and me out to dinner at the Johnson House to celebrate his 80th birthday.
They are both so thoughtful and generous.

We all loved our food and the atmosphere was perfect.
A very sweet evening

Home just in time to do chores.  As you can see....Rebel did not want to put his heel down.  I would be so grateful if he could get some relief.

Night all.


  1. That birthday celebration meal looks delicious and with generous portions. I sure hope Rebel's heel problem is cured soon.

  2. The birthday celebration looks wonderful! Great food and a lovely atmosphere. I wonder what is going on with Rebel? Poor fella.

  3. Happy Birthday Gary, what a wonderful celebration with family.And by the time you read this I really hope Rebel and his lame foot are in recovery mode.


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