Saturday, September 23, 2023

A Marathon Day

What a discombobulated start to the day.  I went out to do chores at the usual time and before I even started cleaning the stalls I heard two people talking in the front paddock.  They were about 45 minutes early with a hay delivery and Jenny was not going to be here until 9 to help.  I am useless and Gary came out a little before Jenny (who I called) and Scott arrived. 

At any rate....we got it stacked in a short time.  They were here early as they were working at a booth at the Harvest Festival, and Dave made and entered an apple pie in a contest.  Here it is!
Kudos to him!!!
After they left, Jenny and Scott went out to check the ponies and he and Gary ended up replacing a fence board.
Then Gary and I put all my gig stuff in the car, I grabbed a shower and we were off to the Farmer's Museum.
We got there a little early and I had a chance to look around.

Our friend Al was in the barn doing some bird carving....
and his wife, Brenda (a good friend and one of my x art students) had a couple dozen of her paintings on display.

I also grabbed a few still shots but you can see my reflection in them....ugh.

She is so talented!!!!
The Museum is next to a huge, gorgeous cemetery and there was a tractor pulled wagon and a horse drawn wagon taking many people on tours.
My friend Deb was there providing pony rides....
and Levi was there with his family.  He came over to say "hello" and announced that it was his 8th birthday.
There were two mounted Patrol officers....
and a Brockport Police officer with his canine partner....Brock.
By 11:45 our band was there and ready to start setting up at noon.
I did not get any photos or videos, but have stolen the next two from our drummer's wife, Pam.

We had a good time and always enjoy playing there.

The pie baking contest was at the end of the activities.
Four of Wegman's finest were there as the judges.
Of course we had to have a hot dog.
 After we got home, Little Wonder and I took it easy until chore time.

Rebel was walking pretty well this morning.  I think his abscess must have sprung a leak just before I put them in last night.  Tonight I took his boot off and will let some air get at it.  Let's see what he is like tomorrow morning.

There was a beautiful sunset, but I did not have the energy to chase it.

When I got back in the house, Gary had started a fire in the kitchen!  He must have the chills or something!
Leftovers for dinner.

Night all.


  1. What a day, grand event, love those huge horses.

  2. It was nice seeing you play and sing the song from Wizard of Oz. It’s such a fun family festival your town does. Kathy

  3. What a lovely post, Lori I hope you are feeling better soon. It was good to see you reflected in the paintings! I wanted to tell you, I know you have not been able to comment on my blog. My sister also couldn't comment. I went in and changed some settings, If you get time, please see if you can comment now again Jo


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