Monday, August 28, 2023

Still Celebrating!

Pretty quiet compared to yesterday.  After chores I went to Wegmans and when I got back home Gary was starting a batch of sauce.

We did some housecleaning as I was hosting bridge at 1.  Of course I did not grab any photos of the beautiful veggie platter I made...just a quick shot of dessert.

My pals brought me cards, a gift and a bottle of champagne.
We ended up chatting until 5.  

Not very hungry, so we had grilled corn on the cob and a salad made out of the leftovers from the veggie platter topped with some feta cheese.
That was followed by the end of my outrageous, peach birthday cake.
I took a short snooze before going out to do chores.  Once again the moon was waiting.
Tucked the ponies in and....

by then it was almost dark.

Night all.

It's about time for freshman convocation at the college and it makes me remember the times we would drum during the ceremony and afterward.  That was such an upper.

My drum has been quiet too long.


  1. Awww what fun! Can you go out and just beat your drum? Why not? I bet it would feel nice!

    Happy continued birthday fun!

  2. I agree with Val, just beat your drum! I love the smiling faces as they sang happy birthday.


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