Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Another Spa Day

It rained off and on all day and the temperature was around 70.  I loved it.

We all got a little wet.
Janet and Alice arrived around 10 and as soon as I opened the door to the grooming room, Buddy walked right into a stall....followed by the Rebel!  They must love these days as they can't wait to get in.

Both of them were in a very relaxed, nap zone.  Always makes my day when we can do this.

I took it easy this afternoon....my best pal joined me.

Gary was very busy.  First Yoga, then lunch, then a Summer Serenades meeting.
By late afternoon the sun appeared.

At 5:30 we met Brenda and Al at the Johnson House for dinner to celebrate our anniversaries and the sale of Brenda's painting of Ronin!

Everything was delicious!

Home a little after 7 and chores by 8.  Very grey and dark by then.

Night all.


1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary! I would appreciate some of your weather, it sounds wonderful to me. Those boys could not look more contented if they tried.


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