Tuesday, August 15, 2023

4 Birthdays and an Anniversary

Grey, and it finally rained late afternoon.  This is another very long post.  Beware!

Before feeding the ponies, I cleaned and filled the water trough.
Little Wonder was with me and Bandit was still sleeping upstairs.

Stephanie picked up Cooper a little after 9 and they went out to see Kevin in Batavia.  Jen, Scott and Finn were all working.  I was in charge of the pups.

Bandit is very well behaved but is constantly looking for his Mom.

Mid morning Mary Jo stopped up so I could meet her dog....Bailey....and she picked up some garlic.
He is a mini Burnadoodle and such a cutie.
Gary had gone to Yoga and out to lunch while Steph was gone.  At 3 the farrier came to trim the boys.

I was very sad to hear that she will be moving in the next month or two and now I will have to find another farrier.

At 5:30 we met at Grampa Sam's for a family celebration.
My birthday, Gary's, Finn's (tomorrow), Coop's and our recent 56th anniversary.  I love the idea of getting together to do all this at the same time!
We had appetizers, Gary and Scott had Seafood Bisque....

salad, bread....
and a big variety of main dishes.

even a couple of desserts that were shared!  What a feast.
Jen brought along a huge bouquet of roses.

Now if only the rest of our family could have been there!
Home just in time to tuck the boys in for the night.  They were pretty wet.
Night all.



  1. What a lovely family picture of you all and the roses! Great restaurant to celebrate such milestones in life. Kathy

  2. Wow, that is a lot of birthdays and whatnot!

    In October my Stepdaughter, Granddaughter, her dad, have birthdays and a wedding anniversary. We rarely get together as they are 2 hrs away.

    What a great celebration.

  3. This is a lovely celebration. You have such a wonderful family and they obviously love you two a lot. We had our 42nd anniversary on the 14th.


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