Friday, July 14, 2023

Yippee! I Can See My Ankles!

A beautiful day.  Not too much humidity and a couple windows could be left open. 

While I was finishing chores a truck showed up in the driveway and the guys were ready to install the gutter across the front of our house.  An improvement, since the old one was damaged when the trees were cut last year.
At 10 Alice arrived for spa day with the ponies.  While we were hanging in the kitchen, my friend Mary R. (my partner in crime when we were on the Town Board) arrived with some cookies and we had a chance to talk for about 45 minutes.  I love catching up with her.  When she left, Janet arrived and we went out to the grooming room.  Buddy saw us and when we opened the door he walked right into his stall on his own.  Then he said hello to Alice.

Once again, both boys got a good grooming.

I sure appreciate the time we spend together and the ponies love it.

By 12:30 they were gone and I made lunch and put my feet up.
At 1, another friend, Janet C., arrived. to pick up her garlic order and we chatted for over an hour.  All four of these women were a great distraction and I felt better than I have felt for over a month.  Little Wonder and I cooled it for awhile and then we went down to Country Max for grain, shavings and fly spray.

Gary spent most of the day working with the garlic.  Every bulb has been pulled out and most of them are hanging in bunches of ten.

He unloaded the car for me and then....
I made dinner.  French toast and sausage.

Fed the ponies at 8.
Check out this photo! My ankles and feet are back to normal and I am getting smarter about taking my meds.  Even tho they say the antibiotics can be taken with or without food....I must take them with food so my stomach does not react.  Soaking my feet in ice water feels good and helps.  Also putting my feet way up over my heart works well.  There is something to be said about the new med I'm on for's a water pill and is helping for now.
Our Lillies are coming on so strong.

It's almost 9 and Gary is still out there cleaning more garlic.

Wonder and I are getting ready to go off duty.
Night all.



  1. Good news on the BP meds!

    Looks like you had another very busy day!

  2. You are always active with friends! This is the first summer my feet and ankles haven't been swollen in years and I don't know why. Good to have the new med working for you.

  3. Glad you are doing better. I pulled my garlic after re-asking my garlicky gardener friend. Apparently I misunderstood her on harvest vs planting lol. I braided and hung my little clump up to dry by the window in the garage.

    We have limited growing space (raised beds) but I want to try grow garlic again. Any tips on preserving? How long does your garlic typically last?


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