Monday, July 17, 2023

The AQI is Back

Today our house knuckled under to the heat.  I don't dare to put on the air conditioner because I don't want the air particles to be drawn in.  The humidity is not good for me so I took it easy much of the day.  We have fans going, but the air is so heavy.  Yuck.

Little Wonder and I looked like this, trying to be quiet and as cool as we could get.
I did manage to make dinner.  Picnic food.  White hots, Mac salad and baked beans.

I got everything set up in the barn, picked the run in and called the boys in for dinner.

Just not my day for taking pictures.  Maybe tomorrow.
Night all.


  1. I hope you have cooler weather and clean air at your house soon.

  2. I sure hope it passes quickly. It was pretty icky here for the weekend, the haze and smoke was blue on the forest!

  3. We have been cooler for a few days but the air quality is bad. I'm having sinus problems from it. Not feeling great today. I guess this is just the way it is now. It's good to just sit and be quiet when it's like that.

  4. Hello dear Lori I have been away from blogging for a while, but I am back now. And it's good to visit your farm again. Strange to think you're suffering in the heat and we are freezing here in South Africa. Keep well. Jo


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