Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Practice Makes Perfect

If I was in a state with temperatures near 115 and had no fans or air conditioning I would not survive.  Today it was near 90 and extremely muggy....can't stand it.  Tomorrow may feel even warmer.

After chores I mowed the outdoor arena.  It is almost filled with grass (and weeds) now.  The ponies like the clover.
Before it got too hot, Gary started pulling garlic.  It is huge!!!

He finished about 3 rows and was out there so long.  Too hot.

Rehearsal at 1.

You have heard so many of our songs over and over you must know the words now.

We will be playing at the Chili Community Center Summer Music Series one week from today.  
Tom and Nancy brought us a new song for our set list today... here is a sample.  It's the first time I've heard it... a keeper.
Our rehearsal lasted until after 4. Then we had a very short burst of heavy rain, which means all the gardens got a good drink. Took it easy until dinner and chore time.

The temperature. in the barn was around 77.  The only good news....Rebel and Buddy were free from bugs.  May go down to the 60s tonight.

Night all.



  1. Our temperatures went down also and are supposed to be a bit nicer for the next couple of days. It sure was hot there for a bit!
    That garlic looks great!

  2. Patsy Cline and harmony....perfect. We are 4" behind on rain. What do you do with all that garlic?

  3. I am with you on the heat. Not a fan.

    I recognize the new song, altho can't place the title or artist. I enjoyed listening to your music! Just beautiful!!

    I am trying to grow garlic for the first time in a raised bed. Not looking so great. My garlic growing mentor planted 80 cloves this this year (ground bed) and told me to wait until Fall to harvest. I only have about a dozen. Have to wait & see how they mature.


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