Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Spa Day For Rebel and Buddy

This morning started out muggy, but the air cleared and there was a breeze for much of the day.

On Tuesdays, my friend Alice comes over for a little horse therapy and today we were joined by Janet.

Buddy is such a handsome boy. 

These two women make my day!  They love the horses and give off such positive energy to them.  This morning we never stopped talking and Janet shared a lot of good information regarding the signs horses give us.  While Alice brushed, Janet massaged.  I did tails and feet.  What a team.  We were all very relaxed and enjoyed the moments.  Alice is learning a lot and has so much to give.

Gary worked on the mulch pile and ran a few errands.  One of them included buying some sunflowers and zinnias.
I must confess that I spent a lot of time binging on the Netflix series "Suits."  I started watching it many years ago and believe that this is the 8th or 9th season.  Have you heard of it?  It's about a law firm.
Of course my buddy snoozed through each episode.
Evening chores at 8.  The air felt so good, and now it's raining.  We may be getting hit with more smoke from Canada tomorrow.  I do not look forward to that.

Night all.



  1. Hope you don't get that nasty air. We have it and it is awful.

    Sounds like you all had a wonderful day.

  2. Your day looks perfect! Buddy is a looker. Gary impresses me with his love of gardening. It's been so hot, humid and dry working outside is a misery. We have had air quality alerts daily. It bothers my eyes.


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