Saturday, June 10, 2023

Between Market and State...the Long, Long Table

Not too bad today.  We were in the mid 70s this afternoon and right now the Air Quality Index is 63.
Since Rebel has been gimpy, he waits forever to go outside after breakfast.
Buddy came in twice looking for him.

After chores I mowed the lawn and while I was doing that, Mary Jo showed up for some manure and we sent her home with some rhubarb too.  She and her husband have a home on the lake and come up from North Carolina each summer.  So nice to see her.

Scott has been working on his boat and today he and Jenny were going to launch it for the first time.

It's a beauty, and I can't wait to go for a nice long ride.

I spoke to Jenny at 5:30 and they were still on the lake.

They are going to have so much fun with this boat!!!!
We met Carol and Topper on Main Street for dinner.  The block was closed off and tables were put down the center of the street.  There was a list of restaurants you could order a meal from, and we all sat together.  We were responsible for picking up our own food ( I ordered ours earlier this afternoon so we would not have to wait in line). Great participation.

As I have said before, the Main Street bridge has been closed for repairs and it will be that way until a year from September.  The Village is trying to do special things to take advantage of the space.

We had a great time and were back at the farm in time to tuck in the ponies.

We had more rain last night....not that much, but enough to perk things up a little.

Night all.



  1. Such a fabulous community! We had a little rain Just a teaser.

  2. What a grand community to step up when things change. And so summery there, it is winter here with some places in the far south having massive hoar frosts.


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