Friday, May 5, 2023

To Pittsford and Back

A very busy day.  I went out to the barn at 7:45, finished chores at 9 and mowed the lawn until 11:30.

Gary worked on the garden behind the kitchen, creating a new strawberry patch.

Buddy was very tuned in to what he was doing, while Rebel was nowhere in sight.
I had a 2pm appointment with my chiropractor...still trying to get my sacroiliac squared away.

They have been putting water in the canal and it should be filled by tomorrow.  It will open up for business on the 19th.
After checking that out, I stopped at Wegmans and bought a major load of groceries.
For a change, Rebel and Buddy were much closer off and on today.
Buddy's Mom is going to stop over tomorrow.

I did evening chores a little early as we were 
going to Pittsford for an art opening featuring the work of our friend Brenda Cretney.  It was such a gorgeous day for a ride.

Her painting of our horse (Abbe) was in the front window.

The painting below is of our windmill.

I love her work and we have several paintings...mostly of our animals.
Becky Maynard also has work in the gallery...she lives in Brockport too.
Martha C. appeared with some friends, who checked out the show before going to a concert.
We were headed home a little before 8 and the sunset was spectacular.

Rochester was covered with good light.

Night all.



  1. Beautiful light so late at night, we are getting darker earlier every week. What a wonderful artist, and to see a collective of those works fabulous.

  2. What a great day... busy, yes... and full of joy. I love the paddock. The vernissage at the end of the day was a dream including sunset... my daughter is coming today... she also has a picture for me in her luggage... I'm happy.
    All love to you from Viola

  3. Wow, those are some great paintings! Seems that you had a very full day.


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