Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Alice and Buddy - Day Two

83 degrees.

Alice arrived at 10 for a little more horse therapy.  First Little Wonder and I had to go get them in the run-in by the stalls.
The first time Alice groomed him, Buddy was very anxious and today he was so much more relaxed.

Rebel waited patiently in his stall.

When it was his turn, Buddy was not quite as relaxed while he waited in his stall.  Oddly enough, when I turned up the radio it seemed like he was moving to the music.

Little Wonder watched from under my chair.

When Alice and I finished sweeping out the grooming room, we were dragging out a bucket of manure and Buddy went right to her.
What horse would not love the massages she gives them?

I went down to Weggie's to get some corn on the cob for dinner and when I got home Andrea was waiting to pick up some hay (since she was in the area).  All three of us have gimpy knees but we managed to get 10 bales in her truck.

Dinner was yummy.  Baked pork chops with onion, pineapple and a homemade marinade....corn and coleslaw.
Evening chores at 8.

Night all.



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