Friday, April 28, 2023

My Sacroiliac.

After weeks and weeks of being a gimp I finally went to the Doctor.  The Massage Therapist called it and she was right.  I have been doing the same motions over and over for 42 years and the twisting when I pick the stalls is not allowing me to catch a break.  I was given more stretching exercises and have to pay attention when I'm out in the barn.  Every morning I use a heating pad for 20 minutes before heading out and it sure helps.  So does a nice hot shower.  I average 25 to 30 miles weekly according to my Fitbit.  I have not stopped doing anything, but every once in awhile I get a jab above my stall cleaning style has to change.

Buddy continues to be a very good boy.  This weekend Jenny is going to help me give both horses a major spring grooming.

I was at the doctor's office by 10:30 and on the way home stopped at Glen Darrach Farm to see Andrea and a couple of horses that I hadn't met yet.

Wegmans was next and I got home around 2.
It started raining when I went out for evening chores.

Dinner?  A big salad.  Romaine, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, bacon, hard boiled eggs and Feta Cheese.  So good.
Night all.



  1. I worked for a chiropractor for 11 years, he used to tell many of his patients the same thing. Especially while cleaning stalls, or switch it up and warm up before hand!
    Sure hope it helps!

    We have snow forecast for Sunday. Go figure.

  2. Repetitive movement, it's hard to switch it up. I have arthritis in my right shoulder form decades of foals pulling on me. I did something recently that has it pitching a fit. Those are nice looking horses she has. Hopefully you will lose the pain.

  3. I am glad that I am ambidextrous when it comes to stall cleaning and garden raking. That being said, I have to be very careful of my sacro because it gets POed very easily.


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