Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Indictment Day

Other than chores and a trip to Wegmans, I was not too productive today.  Spent some time catching up on the news and hope it has an impact on all who were tuned in.  What goes around, comes around....even if it takes a long time.  How an x President can make such nasty public statements trying to save his butt is beyond me.  He wants everyone to hear what he has to say, and at the same time is hurting himself.  Can't wait to hear what he has to say tonight.  Speaking of Florida, making it legal to have open carry and not even require a gun permit blows my marbles!  And that guy wants to run for President.  The state of our country is pathetic in too many ways.  Let's hope respect for the law improves.

It was grey here all day, in the 40s.  Tomorrow, 73!  It looks like there is crazy weather all over the country and I sure hope no tornados come near here.

At 8am Triple-O arrived and got to work on our upstairs bathroom.

A new sink and a new toilet.  How is that for excitement?

Started on dinner and went out to do chores.  Felt pretty chilly.

Fortunately the barn was in the mid 40s and without the wind, felt pretty nice.

BBCued some chicken and onions in the oven while I baked a couple sweet potatoes.
The salad I made was too big.  It included asparagus, hard boiled eggs, tomatoes and romaine.

Night all.



  1. Down here the event has been given a lot of prime TV time. This morning our previous US correspondent for TVNZ, Jack Tame, was talking about what might happen and the outline of it all. Anna Burns-Francis has recently returned from New York, also our TVNZ correspondent and said it will be an interesting outcome. Or words to that effect. We have sunshine after a cool early start to the day.

  2. The Manhattan DA deserves the Time Person of the Year award for forging ahead of such a long trail of corruption within this horrible excuse for an ex - leader. Florida sounds like such a mess. So glad I live here.. Kathy

  3. I didn't watch any news, but caught up with reading snippets here and there. I hope the rest of the indictments he has coming up happen quickly.

    He won't say anything new or relevant, but will continue to whine and complain as that is the only thing he knows how to do.

    As for your house! Wow, that is a beautiful place. :)

  4. So, Lori....when do I get to move in? That bastard went after the families in his "speech" yesterday. Of the judge and the prosecutor. How is this acceptable?


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