Sunday, April 16, 2023

Change Is On The Way

Can't believe we had another day in the low 80s.  That's going to change by 35 degrees tonight.

For some reason, Rebel kept hanging around inside the barn....
then Seamus joined him and they ended up in the stalls with me.
They are so spoiled.

Tomorrow I am going up behind the barn to cut some vines down.  They are latching on to the fence all over the place.
At 11:30 I went over to the Renaissance Equestrian Center to watch Lisa give Janet a dressage lesson.
She is an exceptional teacher, and is a master at helping her students to clearly visualize what is being asked of them.

Janet and Lakota had a wonky start and ended up doing very well.  So much learning.  This is the horse she is half leasing, owned by a friend and she only had about 6 rides before this lesson.  They will end up being great partners.

Jenny stopped up for a few minutes this afternoon.  Last night she and Scott went to the Mayor's Ball in Rochester.  It was held at the Strong Museum of Play and the lighting was so cool.
Love this photo!  She and Scott cleaned up pretty darn well!
Took it easy late afternoon.....and then went out for chores.

While I was doing that, Gary grilled our dinner out on the porch.
Boneless pork, roasted potatoes and greens topped with bean salad and a tomato.

Night all.



  1. What a busy day! Gary looks like he is really getting around well!

  2. They are happy and lucky ponies. Always on the go, you two. Gary looks like he's ready to conquer the world!

  3. Dear Lori, for months, I've been absent from reading blogs and I don't explore Facebook on a regular schedule. In reading the two comments, I realized that something must have happened in the last months with Gary. Has he been ill? From the comments, he must be on the mend. So happy for you both. Peace from Dee and the cats.


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