Thursday, April 13, 2023

Another One Just Like The Other One....HOT

It was pretty warm by the time I went out the door this morning.  Janet was on her way to the airport for a conference and I was on my own for chores.  No problem at all.  Having two horses is a piece of cake.
I keep a big crate on Gary's Barn porch so that the cats can hang out under the roof and take sun baths.
Seymour is the one who takes advantage.

We are positively loaded with daffodils!  At least 300.

I did a little yard work before taking a shower and going to the Library for bridge.  We had three tables today...that has not happened for a couple years.

It was still near 80 when I got home around 5.  My two steeds were ready for dinner around 6:30.

The barn temperature was 70 degrees, so I left the doors open.  

On the way home it was so late I stopped at Perri's for a buy one huge slice get one free.  Made a quick salad and that was it.

Night all.


1 comment:

  1. It's been unseasonably hot here, too. Supposed to be relief tomorrow. Seamus didn't't seem too worried about getting his dinner! The daffodils are pretty.


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