Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Another Fire in the Wood Stove

So cold and damp today.  With the wind we had to be in the high 20s until this afternoon when the sun appeared for a short time.

I had to fill up the water trough this morning.  So much easier with it under the shed roof.

It was trying to spit a little hail while I was coming back to the house....did not end up going anywhere.
I had a burst of energy and made a pot of chicken/rice/lemon soup and a garbanzo bean spread for sandwiches.  Have you ever done that?  Well drained garbanzo beans, celery, green onions, fresh lemon juice, a little mayo, salt and pepper.  Mash everything together like you would do for tuna fish.  Served it on bread with romaine and tomatoes.  So good.

At 2, my friend Lori came over with her guitar so we could do a little practicing while the rest of our band was busy with other things.  Primarily, we worked on new stuff and I actually played my bass on a couple of songs.  
We are going to try and learn this one by John sweet. 
When she left, Little Wonder and I took it easy for a short while.

Evening chores....

and then a yummy dinner.  Meatball sandwiches and bean salad.
Night all.



  1. Interesting recipe for sandwiches Lori. I do enjoy the variety you make for your meals. Nice to have 2 good days of weather ahead so might have to go buy hot dogs to cook. Kathy

  2. John Prine is absolutely one of my favorite artists. His songs are always intriguing.

    Cold and Rain here.

  3. I echo Val, I am a big fan of John Prime. Nancy, Your last sentence.....just beautiful.

    I've made hummus but I haven't made a sandwich spread. I'll put it on my list. We are on our second day of rain.


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