Thursday, March 30, 2023


I did not sleep last night thinking about Ronin and I was pooped this morning.  Janet and I did chores as usual and he had some turnout time before the trailer arrived to transport him to another farm where he will be getting some special attention.  Here is what Janet posted on FB on the 22nd

Please wish Ronin a happy and peaceful 8th and sadly last earthly birthday on March 23. He has given himself a special “gift” this month… a third bout of EPM in less than 3 years. Putting him through the treatments again would be cruel and unfair. The Gigantasaurus has been a roller coaster of love, joy, humor, and health issues. Our time together has been precious. We are most grateful to his entire health care team for all your help, support, and cheerleading when things went well. Blessings to Lori Skoog and Gary Skoog for welcoming us into your lives in our hour of need. You have given him the best 8 months of his life!!! Now we are planning his private journey over the rainbow bridge.

Of course I have been in tears much of the day.  He is such a beautiful and innocent boy.  Fortunately after yesterday's squall, we did not get too much snow and the sun was out this morning.

He had some time outside with Rebel and Seamus before the trailer arrived.

This is the part that kills me....he just trusts Janet and does not realize what could be in his future sooner or later.
They were gone by 8:30 and my two buddies ate their breakfast in the sunshine.

I was out there for three hours.  Cleaned his stall and changed some things around.

Little Wonder assisted.
Janet stopped back at the farm to do a couple things and seemed to be doing very well under the circumstances.  Ronin settled in to his new digs and was eating hay when she left.  She insists that she is going to keep coming mornings to help me until Gary is back on his feet.  How many people do you know that would do such a thing?  Gary and I are really going to miss her and her boy.
All the snow melted and as per usual....Rebel and Seamus rolled in the mud.

They seem to be doing alright, but they knew something was different when I called them in for dinner.
Every night, Seamus and Ronin slept next to each other on either side of the wall dividing their stalls.

I made a last minute meal out of the leftover chicken soup. All the broth was absorbed by the pasta so I turned it into chicken tetrazzini.  Added more chicken, frozen peas and made a sauce/gravy topped with Romano cheese and fresh ground pepper.
So smooth.

Night all.


  1. How sad, heart breaking. Please give Janet heart felt condolences. He was a beautiful horse.
    Take Care,

  2. Oh this just makes me cry thinking of everyone that beautiful horse has been involved with. Janet is one special person keeping him comfortable. It’s so sad. Kathy

  3. Oh, no!! I am so so sorry. Poor Ronin, poor Janet. It was nice he has been at your farm with friends being well taken care of. Good food, clean water, pasture, shelter, friends. 8 is too young to be the end. But making an animal suffer medical treatments that it does not understand is not humane. You and Janet are wonderful caretakers.

  4. How very sad for you and Janet. Yes, they are so trusting, but with that we must do what we know is best.

  5. My friend down the road just lost another horse to EPM and she decided that another round of treatment was too hard on her beloved equine.
    I'm glad that you and Janet hooked up, it sounds like you really discovered a great friendship through your love of horses.
    How tough and sad.

    She is tough and kind hearted not to let him suffer.

  6. It makes me very sad to think of all of you as you deal with Janet's horse. I'm sure she will make the best decision for him.

  7. Now I'm crying. I have become attached to the boys on your farm. This is so sad.

  8. I am so deeply sorry about what I just read. I am so thankful this beautiful baby was loved and so well taken care and we saw love in action. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป


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