Friday, March 17, 2023

Cherry Pie

The weather....temperature up to 54 at one time......rain, melting, ponding and worst of all.....MUD.

Gary was a different person today.  He was wrapped in that feather stuffed comforter last night and finally got some good sleep.  He woke up and was ready for his usual breakfast....Greek yogurt, blueberries and Grape Nuts.
Then, he had scrambled eggs and toast for lunch.
I was into cooking a mode after chores.   First I par boiled some chicken thighs and used the broth to make a pot of soup.  I put the thighs covered in BBQ sauce, onions and carrots into the oven for another meal.  Then, because it is St. Patricks Day I made an Irish-e meal and put it in the crock pot so it could cook all afternoon.  Polka Kielbasa, onions, carrots and cabbage...a little cider vinegar and brown sugar....lots of fresh ground pepper and a little of the chicken broth from the soup I made earlier.

The Physical Therapist (Kerry) arrived at 12:30 and Gary was ready to go.
He was able to do everything she asked and could not believe the improvement.
First time on the stairs....

The catheter put on at the Urology office yesterday was much more comfortable than the one put on by the Emergency Room and it really helped.

This afternoon Little Wonder and I drove out to Hamlin to pick up a cane at the Lion's Club medical supply closet.  Man!  It was packed with crutches, canes, potty chairs, mattresses, walkers and a gazillion other things.
Gary will be using the cane more and more in a few days.
At 4pm our friend Terry C. stopped up with a cherry pie for Gary.  It was from her, Jacquie and Patty....his Summer/Winter Serenades team.

Not only is it's the best cherry pie I have ever tasted.  Jo (from The Red Bird) made it!!!
Of course the three of us had to test it out (before dinner).
Chores at 6.  The ponies legs were so filthy.

Back in the house for dinner.  The cabbage dish was delicious!
Night all.


  1. Ahhh a better day indeed. Lots of food on hand for the weekend now so get some rest and relaxation I hope. Kathy

  2. That pie is amazingly beautiful! It is pie art!

    Good to see Gary up and about and smiling! I did the happy dance for the both of you!

    Mud here during the day. Frozen mud at night and in the morning.

  3. Gary looks absolutely happy in the two pie photos! I love it. You have been so busy you make my head spin. Time for some rest for you now that you can hopefully relax some.


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