Monday, March 27, 2023

Cabin Fever

Not a very nice day and the temperature has been going down.

After chores I stripped a bed, did some laundry and went to Wegmans.  Got home in time to have lunch (that I picked up) and was back down to Brockport for Bridge at 1.  Good to be back playing with Lorna, Hanny and Bobby.  I had some great hands... Bobby and I won.
As soon as I got home I started a fire.  By then it was sleeting and very ugmo outside.

Took it easy until chore time, and.... not plan on making dinner.  (Gary made tomato soup....may have to have some later).

Night all.



  1. Love to see those kitties all snuggled in safely and comfy. Hoping this nasty sleet/ rain mix is the end of wintery weather as 50’s are coming Friday! And Little Wonder can go outside without his coat on. Glad Gary is on the mend. Kathy

  2. We went down to 7F last night and will be the same tonight. We are getting up to freezing today. The cake and ice cream look really good. I'm happy Gary can be up and about. LW is so adorable.


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