Saturday, February 4, 2023

Clam Chowder or Corn Chowder?

A gorgeous sunrise today....4 below zero and that was without the wind.

Little Wonder was not happy about staying in the house when I went out to do chores.
Just too cold....especially for his feet.  Had to be at least 15 below with the wind.
The barn temperature was 6 degrees so we figured it was better for the ponies to be sheltered behind the indoor with the sunshine while they ate their hay.

At 11:30 there was no more sunshine so they went back in their stalls.  By then the temperature in the barn was 11 degrees.
Jenny called and wanted to bring dinner up tonight, so Gary and I did a little work around the house.

Janet arrived around 3 and let the horses back out.  Then she picked the stalls and I did not have much to do when I got out there at 4:15.

The ponies were hanging out in the back part of the outdoor arena....the sunny spot.

Eventually they made it to the front paddock.

At last!  Little Wonder was able to go out to the barn with me.  Earlier we went to Tractor Supply to pick up some sale items and he was able to walk around for awhile without having cold feet.

(My computer screen)
Dinner was a piece of cake.  Jenny and Scott brought everything and we supplied gingerbread for dessert.
We had a choice....clam chowder or corn chowder, ham and cheese paninis and a fruit salad.

And then, the gingerbread cupcakes with whipped cream.
When we finished eating, moved over by the fire and relaxed.
A great way to spend the evening.
Night all.



  1. That was a beautiful sunrise. Seeing Rebel nuzzling up to Ronin made me remember hoe much Rebel DID NOT want Ronin there! Janet is wonderful.This looked like a very nice way to spend an evening.

  2. So happy they all hung out together. I just looked out and saw two mules sleeping in the moonlight!
    Glad you all stayed warm.


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