Monday, January 16, 2023

The Original Bridge Quartet

I sure was happy when the sun appeared today.

As you can see, Seamus still has his sheet on.  So far his two buddies have not figured out how to unbuckle the front straps.

Ronin and Rebel were back in their dancing mode.
After chores I cleaned the house and made a banana cream pie for dessert....bridge here this afternoon.  It's the first time we have played together in months.  We always have some sort of snack and then, dessert.  Today I went back to a 70s theme and served carrots, celery and pretzels with a delicious dip.  We also had peanuts, mixed with M and Ms and craisins.

Little Wonder found his sunny spot on the bed.
Jenny stopped in as she and Gary were going to Buffalo.  Calling hours for the sister of our sister-in-law, Judy.  Jenny and Hanny worked together for Congressman John LaFalce for many years, so she had to come in and say hello.

Sidney also joined us.

The pie was delish.
Lorna and I were partners and we ended up winning after having a long series of bad hands. 
The library was full of sunshine.
Put together some beans and franks, then went out for evening chores.

Night all.



  1. Glad you got to see the sunlight! We got rain and rain and rain and then more rain and lots of very dense fog.

  2. I call Ronin and Rebel's thing the head game.The pie looks really good and so does your library!


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