Sunday, January 29, 2023

The Birthday Boys

40ish and spitting rain off and on.

Took it easy after chores....

and at 1:30 headed to the Hamlin VFW to celebrate two birthdays.  Doug turned 80 and Gary, 75.  They invited 50 friends and set up an amazing party with enough food to feed a village.  Darryl and Ginny were there.
Maureen, Dan and the Beckers....

The Road Less Traveled provided the music.

Have not seen Jimmy PennyWhistle in ages.
And the Benders were there.

Then it was time for the birthday cake.

These two guys really know how to throw a party!

We all had blue tongues and teeth from the frosting.
It was raining when we got home and the horses went in a few minutes early.

No cooking..maybe a bowl of cereal.
Night all.



  1. Happy Birthday to everyone.

    Glad it wasn't like -4 like it was here!

  2. This looks like a fantastic time! Love Gary's blue tongue. ; )


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