Friday, January 6, 2023


Just a few minutes of sunshine and no rain.

A friend was coming for dinner so I made a banana cream pie.

Rebel and Seamus kept busy this afternoon while a friend of Janet's came to ride Ronin.

Evening chores.  Wham Bam.

...and I thought the mud was bad last night!
Got back in the house and started on some roasted potatoes and

Boy, were they good.

For a change I made a graham cracker crust and the pie was so much better.
Night all.  Got to get ready for the 10pm search for a new Speaker of the House.



  1. A new speaker, you are so hopeful.Even down here it has been on the news.

  2. Apparently he’s been elected but at a cost?? And this is what they call leadership? If this is their true colors of how they will address their small hold, I see them accomplishing nothing. Thank goodness they weren’t in control when the insurrection was planned as it’s evident how incompetent they are in decisions for the good of people. Kathy

  3. He got what he wanted. May he live to regret it.

  4. I stayed up until 2am watching the voting for McCarthy and then I could not fall asleep. He can't touch the minority leader with a 10 foot pole. I predict that he will not be around very long.

  5. I agree. What a miserable wimp.


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