Friday, January 20, 2023

Mud! Ronin Lost Another Shoe...

This sure has been an unusual winter.  We are now down about 35 inches of snow....tho it is snowing lightly at this moment.  It has been so dark and dreary.  Earlier today we had quite a bit of rain.

After chores I went down to the Rec Center to visit the knitters and buy more hats.

They had quite a selection.
Tomorrow I am going back to be a server for the SOUPERBOWL.  It's a fundraiser for the Senior Association and this is the 4th time they have done it.  For $6 you get a bag with a homemade roll, an apple and a bottle of water (all donated).  Then you can go to 15 different stations to sample soups that have been donated by local restaurants.  We usually sell out in advance (around 125 tickets).  At the same time, there will be a bake sale and the knitters will have their hats available.  A fun event. 

Little Wonder was sacked when I got home.
Here are the hats I bought.  Hand made.....7 bucks, soft and beautiful.
My friend Kristin, who lives in California, was very motivated by the ukulele session we had here a few weeks ago.  She bought a baritone uke and this book....which she sent to me.  This afternoon I got out my mic and amp and tried a few of the songs.  Most of them are pretty hard, but the chords are diagrammed and I will just have to learn them
Little wonder listened from the bedroom.
I got dinner started and then went out for evening chores.  By then the rain had turned to spitting snow.

We put the ponies in and discovered that Ronin lost the same shoe that was replaced exactly one week ago.  Poor Janet was searching before it got completely dark and Ronin watched her out his window.

This mud is making a mess for every horse person I know.

Dinner was simple.  BBQued boneless ribs with sweet onions and carrots and homemade potato salad.
Night all.



  1. Oh no for Ronin. I wonder if he could just do without shoes for the rest of the winter. Perhaps his hooves need a rest from them?
    I am no expert at that at all, since my mules have rarely needed shoes unless we were in rocky and rough terrain. They have excellent feet.
    Hope it all turns out all right.

  2. Ronin has an expensive shoe habit! You have had a very mild winter. Overall, we have also had mild weather for MN in January. I have ribs in the freezer, you made me want ribs. I never make potato salad in the winter and I can't think of why not.


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