Saturday, January 14, 2023

Houdini Did It Again!

Really cold this morning.

I had cleaned up the blanket that was on Seamus yesterday and it was nice and warm from being in the house.  After breakfast I took off his sheet and put it on him.  So far so good.
For some unknown reason, he and Ronin spent much of the morning eating out of the same hay net.

There he is!  All buttoned up and ready for the day.  I got this particular blanket for him as it was for foals and was adjustable in the front.....wide velcro.

Gary and I drove out to Ben's in Batavia to look at a refrigerator and had lunch at Main Street Pizza.  We got there at 11:35 so there was a table available.

Got back to the farm around 1.  Little Wonder and I went out to put a couple extra gallons of hot water in the trough as the heater did not seem to warm up the water very fast today.

 I found the ponies standing behind the indoor....just hanging out. Everything seemed hunky dunky.
Took it easy by the fire with my buddies and had no intention of making dinner.
Little Wonder kept asking to get on my lap for a snooze....

He finally made it and was there until chore time.

I did manage to do some laundry.  Went out for chores and....

VOILA!  Seamus had gotten out of his blanket under the shed roof and that is where Janet found it.

Eventually he thought going in his stall was not a bad idea...

Now he is back in his sheet again.  I'm pretty sure some pony I know is pulling on his blanket and releasing the velcro.  How Seamus wiggles out of it I will never know.  Janet suggested that I put some hot sauce on the front of it to see if that discourages it from happening again.  The velcro goes all across   his chest (from one leg to the other) and is at least 4 inches wide.  Do you think that will work?
Night all.


1 comment:

  1. I think he doesn't want the blanket! I don't know if it will work. Little Wonder has got the most adorable face. He must always get his way.


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