Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Enough Already!

Grey, low 40s and it rained most of the day.  What a mud hole!  

Why do horses enjoy getting soaked???? By 11:30 I put them back in the barn as they preferred getting soaked to eating beautiful hay under the shed roof. 

Gary went to yoga and out to lunch with his gang.
I ended up watching the search for the new Speaker of the House.  Now that was very interesting!  It's about time the sh$t hit the fan.  Who knows how this is all going to end.
A little before 3 I finally headed down to the bank and Wegmans.  It was very foggy by then.
Started making dinner and went out to do chores when I got home.  Janet had already put the horses out and picked my stalls, always doing something to help around here. They chose to dig up the outdoor arena, danced and ate some grass.
They were pretty wet when they got tucked in for the night.

Dinner was delicious.  Open faced Italian sausage sandwiches (loaded with peppers and onions) along with coleslaw.
Night all.


  1. The ponies must know the words " Mud,mud, glorious mud," Yummy dinner.

  2. It's going to be a noisy, do nothing 2 years in the Federal government. We have had a boatload of snow. It's still snowing. I prefer it to mud! And, yes, dinner does look delicious.


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