Monday, January 23, 2023

A Very Lazy Day

There is still snow on the ground and sticking to the trees, but the temperature was a little above freezing.  Other than morning and evening chores, the only thing I did today involved  burst of energy.  We are getting a new refrigerator and pulled out the old one so we could clean under it and that turned into a domino effect.  We ended up scrubbing the floor and switching rugs around.  I turned the leftover rice into Spanish Rice and it tasted great for dinner.  Oh yes.  I forgot.  I spent over an hour organizing photos from the Souper Bowl and getting them on a flash drive so some prints can be made for thank you notes.  I need sunshine again, to get motivated.  And another thing....I worked on Harvest Moon again with my uke.  Love that song.

Night all.


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