Monday, December 19, 2022

The Great NickTahou Challenge

Cold and windy.

The crew arrived in the kitchen around 9:30 and Chef Ariana made her version of "Eggs Benedict"
out of what she found in the frig.
After they ate it was time to take Harvey on a tour of the property.  

Harvey and Ryland wore vests so they would not be mistaken for deer.

They took some carrots out to the ponies and their walk down the lane was cut short by the wind, but they were still outside for over an hour.
When they got in, they played some fast moving card game and eventually had lunch.  they are very self sufficient!
In the meantime, Topper and Kristen dropped off a kazoo game and the 4 of them decided to give it a shot.
There were two teams and they had to pick a song off a card and get their partner to identify it.

How many 25 year olds do you know that would do stuff like this?

Tonight we were having garbage plates for dinner.  Have you ever heard of a garbage plate?  
It was invented at a restaurant in Rochester, NY and they have been around for decades.  Jenny thought the kids would like to give them a try.  First I made a big batch of macaroni salad.  After that, I watched the 1/6 presentation and took it easy for a couple of hours.
Evening chores....

and back in to get everything ready.  Ariana, Finn and company were at the movies (Avatar).
Gary grilled out Zweigle hots and hamburgers...I made baked beans and "tater tots"....warmed up some hot sauce and they got to the farm around 7:30 for a late meal.

Jenny was at Cooper's basketball game (which they won) so they missed out.
Scott demonstrated the construction of the garbage plate.

On the bottom....tater tots, then Mac salad, beans, a cheeseburger and a hot dog topped with mustard, ketchup, diced onions and hot sauce.  Weird huh?
Here's how the plates turned out.  I wonder if they still remember what they did.

Believe it or not.  They tasted great!  So Rochester.
I could not ask for a more flexible and game crew than this one.  And they are so appreciative.

Night all.


  1. What a fabulous time for everyone. Sorry, I could not recognise any songs!!! But the plates, such healthy appetites and ready to give everything a go.

  2. Looks like you were busy and had a great time!

    We are all quiet here and waiting on the next big storm!

  3. We do garbage plate nights here at my house too. You are right that it’s a Rochester thing. So fun and tasty. I did do a search on line for a meaty hot sauce and liked it when I made it so not too “hot”. Kathy

  4. Nope, never heard of garbage plates! I know garbage soup, whatever you have that need to be used gets made into soup. This looks like so much fun. I don't think I know any 25 yr olds!


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