Sunday, December 25, 2022


Took it very easy today.  The wind died down.  Jenny left with Ariana for the Syracuse airport at 5am and she made it to Kansas City a little after 2.  The horses spent the entire day outside and had plenty of hay in the indoor and front paddock, which I thought they would devour.  We had Christmas Eve leftovers for lunch and I am not making dinner.

Little Wonder went to the barn with me this morning and lasted the entire time I was out there.

After chores I shoveled much of the driveway....light snow and not too deep.

Little Wonder and I managed (along with Sidney) to get in an afternoon nap.

He was not too excited about going out for evening chores, so he stayed in.

It's so nice to just take it easy.
Merry Christmas everyone!
And to all a good night!

So nice to hear from our German exchange student from 86-87.
Her daughters are so grown up.
Do you remember Sabine?

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness you guys didn't have that snow storm that I am reading about.

    Looks like you had a wonderful day.
    Good day for a rest!


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