Monday, November 28, 2022


Not a whole lot of excitement today.  Chores. Wegmans. Electrician here to put a switch on the heater for the water trough, cleaned and refilled the water trough, got some photos together for a book. Chores.  Dinner.  Pretty chilly today....and so dark.

Little Wonder tried on his new black coat.  It's like a horse blanket.

A little too long in the back, but we can deal with that.
No need for it during potty breaks....yet.

This afternoon I made some rice pudding to go with dinner.
As per usual, Rebel
and Seamus came in with plenty of rolling evidence.

Dinner was so good and very Swedish.  Grilled ham, deviled eggs, pickled beets and the rice pudding.
Night all.



  1. Dinner sounds SOOO good, and LW, you and Seamus need to have longer legs.!!!

  2. LW is sticking his tongue out, not so sure about a coat! Those boys of yours do like the mud, little mud balls. I haven't had rice pudding since I was a kid.


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