Thursday, November 10, 2022

Can't Believe This Weather

Absolutely perfect weather all day's still very mild and it's 8:30pm.

After chores I went for a 4 mile trike ride.  Trying to increase my distance each time.

This was my route.

Lots of Bills fans on this road.

When I got home Gary was cutting down the morning glory vines.  The porch is nice and bright now.

I had a real need for some sauce and invited Jenny and Scott to dinner.

At 3:30 I went out to the indoor to take some videos of Janet and Ronin.  They are very helpful to her.

One section had some very good light.

Evening chores at 5.

After tucking the ponies in, finished preparing dinner.
Jenny brought a loaf of the best Tuscan bread.
Had a chance to catch up and discuss the tree cutting that is going to take place on Saturday (thanks to Scott and all the helpers that will be assisting).  I negotiated with the insurance company about the trees in front of the indoor (that were planted in 1992 when it was constructed) as they wanted them cut down.  Instead, we are going to trim them back into big shrubs.  Better than having them totally removed.  5 more will still be cut down and a couple of others will be trimmed.  It's going to be an exhausting day for everyone.

Night all.


  1. Glad you did some negotiations to save the ones in front of the arena. Worth saving. Kathy

  2. I bet Janet loves all the photos and shots you are taking of her while riding. Great stuff.

    It went from 68 to 28 last night. As we say, Uffdah.

  3. Beautiful Ronin!. You have a completely different looking landscape than we do. It's winter here, without snow. Our high is about 30 today. It's also completely dark by 5:00!Everything looks lovely and dinner looks good enough to eat!


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