Saturday, October 15, 2022

Chicken and Biscuits

So windy today!

We had a very dramatic sunrise and then it alternated with a lot of grey.

After chores I finished mowing the rest of the lawn (except for the front by the walnut tree where there  are few thousand more walnuts to rake up and move).

Gary vacuumed the downstairs and I started on dinner as Jenny, Scott, Miles and Michelle were coming to the farm at 6.
I made biscuits....
Jenny came up and made a pumpkin pie....
we put together a big pot of chicken with gravy, peas and carrots.
Then I did chores while she and Scott went home to do a couple things.

When they got back, she made the salad

and we mashed a major load of potatoes.

Dinner was delicious.  It was so nice to spend time with Miles and Michelle as we have not seen them since before Covid.

After dinner, Jenny wanted to play Mexican Train.
We had no directions and tried to remember all the rules.  Pretty frustrating.
Finn is home from Cortland for a few days.  So nice that he joined us!

A great way to spend the evening!
Night all.

1 comment:

  1. Your dinner looks delicious!!! It must be wonderful to have so many loving people in your life.


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