Saturday, August 20, 2022

We Be Jammin'....

A beautiful start to the day
and it was still very comfortable in the barn.

I hurried through chores so I could get in the house and take a shower before being picked up to go to LeRoy for our She Sings gig at the Farm Market.
Steph and Bandit were getting ready to leave at the same time.
They had a 10 hour drive ahead of them, stopping at Daniela's overnight in Illinois.  Bandit had a very comfy set up.

When we got to the market, there was a big food truck parked right behind us that had a generator going the entire time.  That was not too exciting.  However, several people (friends of the Bodziaks) showed up specifically to listen to us.  That was very nice!
When I had the lead on "Bamboo," these two little cuties got up and danced.

I can't play and take videos, but I tried to get a couple while my camera was hanging from the mic stand...that's why they are upside down and backwards!  You have heard these songs many times before.

We had a good time and I was back at the farm before 1.  By then I was so hot I changed into the lightest night shirt I could find and sat by a fan.
I even wore that outfit out to the barn for evening chores.  Janet did not mind, nor did the ponies.

Gary picked these flowers for out kitchen table.  We are still loaded.

Dinner was a no brainer.  A cucumber, cherry tomato, shallot, feta cheese salad and leftover sauce and meatballs on a fresh batch of pasta.

The house is quiet.
Night all.


  1. What sweet photos of a sunlit horse, of nice dogs, and sweet children!

  2. The boys are getting along well now. You've been really busy, you deserve a rest and an easy and delicious dinner.


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