Friday, August 5, 2022


A busy, muggy day with the sound of thunder and zero rain.

After the ponies had breakfast, we decided to let Ronin join the other horses as I'm sure he would love to have some company.  I put four hay nets under the shed roof and Janet brought him out on a lead.
Seamus was cool with it and The Rebel did not seem to mind.

Once they went into the pasture, we decided to turn Ronin loose and babysat.
Rebel lunged at him a few times as expected.
Eventually they moved over to the biggest part of the pasture....

and then they started running.

They ended up in the front paddock and when they settled we separated them for the rest of the day.

Tomorrow we will do this again.

The birds must have been times there were 5 taking a bath.
The garden was loaded with squash, peppers and cherry tomatoes (there are hundreds of them).
Little Wonder was very happy to stay where it was cool.
Before evening chores Janet helped me give Seamus a bath...he needed one.  Ronin watched and Rebel was in the grooming room with us.
Seamus did not know what was coming and ran in when I called him.
No photos of the bath as I was busy and he could not be in cross ties (thank you Janet for holding him on the lead).  However, my sweet Rebel loved getting sponged and I could do both.

Of course.....within 20 seconds Seamus rolled his wet body....not once,

but 5 times!  So much for the blue shampoo and vinegar rinse.

It was time for them to go in for dinner....Rebel was ready, but Seamus decided to go back out by the apple tree.  It's a good thing he comes when called.

I was so hungry for hot dogs and beans tonight.  My cucumber relish turned out well!

Good light this evening.

Night all.



  1. Your farm is beautiful. They can't wait to roll after a bath! The boys are nearly ready to be pals, Rebel is just protective of his pony. I don't even like hot dogs and that looked good!

  2. Lovely evening light on the garden and trees. Fancy the pony rolling after a bath, how could he!!!

  3. I guess it really doesn't matter that he's smaller than my white horse haha


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