Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Body Language

Storm warnings this afternoon, but so far they all passed us by and I only saw about a dozen raindrops.

After chores Steph packed up her car as she and Bandit were headed toward their camp for a couple days.  On the way out of town they dropped Gary off at Yoga.  I must say, Bandit has been a perfect gentleman.  We had all three dogs at Jen's last night and they behaved very well.
I headed to Brighton for my annual dermatology appointment and was home a little after noon.  While Gary went out to lunch with his Tuesday gang I took it easy.
Fortunately I remembered to pick up the two loaves of Challah bread I ordered from Heritage Bell Farm.  It is my absolute favorite.  Carina is such a master!
  Little Wonder loved going for a ride, even tho it was a short one.
Gary is trying to get rid of that mulch pile and is still working on the gardens.
Evening chores....I have so much more energy in the morning.

I am not cooking.  Every man for himself.
Night all.



  1. I understand why you have less energy in the evening. You have a very full life. I keep a couple of frozen pizzas on hand for those times I won't cook.

  2. Dear Lori, Wow! You didn't cook and I always salivate over the supper meals you share with us! Peace.


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