Monday, July 11, 2022

The Big Bike Ride!

A hot one...around 90 but not humid and we had a little breeze.

At 9:30 I went to the Cardio office to have my 6 week check.  So far, the pacemaker is doing it's thing.
No more restrictions.

On the way home I stopped at the Canal by the Main Street bridge as 650 bike riders were going to be coming through our village.  They are spending 8 days riding from Buffalo to Albany....around 60 miles per day.  For years, volunteers have supplied water 
and friends have played music.

They also pass out post cards (local artists) which the bikers fill out and then the Walk!Bike!Action Group puts on stamps and mails them.  A very sweet tradition.
They also put a pin on the state they are from.  Almost every one was represented and there were also several riders from Europe.  This is the largest number I can remember.

I ended up joining my friends and sang with them for almost an hour.

Within 20 minutes 2 of my buddies who were biking showed up!  So glad I did not miss them.
You have met Sarah before....she is in a band called "The Road Less Traveled" and I have posted many videos.  She also was one of the Buskers and sang several songs with us.
Here is my friend Jean, who came all the way from Missouri.  You've met her too....not too long ago we had a baritone uke session out in the Studio.
It's so much fun, when others stop to sing.

Jean had many more miles to go and left a little after noon.

This man is a retired attorney from the Bronx, and it is his second time doing this (at age 70).  Kudos to him! He also sang with us!!!
This woman gave Brockport a big thumbs up and was very touched by the music.
The volunteers did a great job.  Every time a new group of riders arrived they rang cow bells and said welcome to Brockport.  They will not forget our Village.
The girl on the right loved the song "Wild Mountain Thyme" and sang with us.
Of course I did not let Gary know I was going to be there so long and he was worried that something happened at my appointment with the cardiologist.
In the meantime....we had four yards of mulch delivered.  What we really need is a LOT of rain.  It might happen tonight starting at 2am.  Who knows.....
I went out and turned on the fan for the ponies...I think Seamus liked it more than his horse did.

A friend posted a recipe for zucchini/onion pie and since I had all the ingredients I decided to make it.

Baked it before going out for evening chores and let it cool for the 10 minutes it took to tuck Seamus and The Rebel in for the night.
Also put together a simple salad.
These two were ready to go in.

Fortunately Seamus could not wait to eat tonight!  Neither could we, and it was SO good.  A keeper.
Night all.



  1. What a grand stop for the bikers, cold water and entertainment all there.And Seamus, you smart chap to be well and eating. Good news Lori for your checkup, I hope even so you don't try and do ore than you should.

  2. You had a fun and full day! Congrats on the positive checkup.


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