Thursday, June 9, 2022

Strawberry/Blueberry No Bake Pie

A very chilly day.  55 degrees with a couple of misty sprinkles.   After chores I made a quick trip to Country Max to pick up a couple things for the horses and a new bed for Little Wonder.  When I got back to the farm I got a call to play bridge (sub) at the Library.  Before going, I decided to use up the strawberries that were picked yesterday (not quite enough) and made a pie....needed to add a few blueberries.  Home by 4 and started making dinner... roasted a chicken and it took me forever to make some zucchini pancakes.  We ate after evening chores and were joined at 7:30 by Jenny and Scott for a piece of pie.  While working on this post, I am listening to the January 6th hearing and will continue to do so.  It's time to get this issue out there for everyone to hear.  Anyone who is not open to at least listening, must not be interested (or they are afraid) in the extensive information that has been gathered.  Why?  It is very hard for me to keep my mouth shut on this issue.  I truly never could imagine going through this in the United States.  To have elected officials going to this extent....unwilling to do the job they were elected to do....not representing their constituents...just worrying about getting relelected...doing anything to have power.  Anything.  I can only hope that the people in our country will understand how serious this is....for us, our children and grandchildren.

Night all.


  1. I hear you and I agree with you!

  2. The cult is lost. Most Republicans either b=hold the ideology or have sold their souls. Hopefully the fence-sitters, the apathetic, will pay attention. and.. the food looks delicious.

  3. Totally agree with you. I hope enough evidence finally convicts the person who encouraged it in the first place and justice is served. The attack was vicious and for those who say it was nothing, can’t face reality. Kathy

  4. Yummy meal, as always. The ponies look happy, the rest of the world's worries pass them by as they trot inside at the end of each day. XX from a cold, wet, windy, and further south, snowy Friday.


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