Friday, June 3, 2022

Jana and Mike

Another beautiful day.  Sunny, 70s and a little breeze.

I was in the house by 8:30 getting ready for a Zoom meeting with my cardiologist.  My first doctor visit in this format and it was great!  He thought the site of my procedure looked fine and answered many of my questions.  No, I can't ride my trike yet.  Yes, I can mow (YAY).  The pacemaker I have is compatible with MRIs.  It would not be ok to do arc welding!!!!Ha Ha.  Going to the dentist is not a problem etc.  Will meet with him again after I get through the 6 weeks of wearing my sling and taking it slow.
We have met several fabulous people because of the Erie Canal and today two of them returned to Brockport for a visit....along with their pooch Millie.
They arrived around 11 and after an hour long chat we went out to the pasture so Jana could take some photos of the ponies.  She is also a blogger, an artist and a great photographer.

We were introduced to Jana and Mike by another boating couple....Sandy and Jeff B. (who we also met down at the Welcome Center) when they were passing through on their sailboat, the Manatee.  If you have been following my posts for awhile, you have seen many photos of them.

It's so nice to make connections like this and the four of us and the Bs have been in touch for years.
It's time for another reunion.

We were treated to lunch....BBQ.
A friend, Dottie H., stopped up for three rhubarb plants and dropped off a quart of fresh picked strawberries.  So sweet.
We sent Jana and Mike back to their boat with spinach, strawberries and bean salad.

If they did not live in Ohio, I think we would be spending a lot of time together!  They are about to embark on a few weeks of cruising the Erie Canal.  We will be seeing them again later this summer.
After they left, I cooled it and eventually took a 30 minute power nap before going out to feed The Rebel and his pony.

Beautiful light.  Not cooking.
Night all.


  1. What a day for you, Zoom meeting, then friends, then maybe off to mow the pasture. The pony, he is the daring of us all.XXX

  2. You and Gary are so outgoing. What a wonderful gift to live by the Erie Canal! I have not done Zoom or FaceTime, can you believe it? Your house is just so welcoming, and I don't blame you one bit for not cooking.

  3. Dear friends we had such a soul warming visit with you two. Thank you for your love, hospitality and never ending friendship. We will see you later this summer. Love ya!

  4. Wonderful post to read. Life is good, as the saying goes and I am glad you and your friends were able to enjoy the day. Kathy


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