Saturday, June 18, 2022

A Dinner for Jenny and Father's Day....

A cool down that felt so good!  Very heavy winds all day, but plenty of sunshine.

Since it was in the low 50s and blowing like crazy, no masks today.

After chores I mowed the lawn.  Gary was able to use his new battery powered hand mower and loved it.  Lighter and so quiet.
Cooper had a double header and we went down to watch.  He pitched the entire game again.  They won both (he did not pitch the second).

It's a good thing we wore enough clothing.
Even tho it was cool, it was a lot better than it was when it was in the 90s.

Coop sure has been on a roll.  His travel Team is in first place in their league.
Little Wonder was happy to see us when we got back to the farm.
Scott came up and we picked about 5 quarts of strawberries with Gary.

Jen also arrived to get some skewers.
I made a quick trip to Wegmans and started putting together lomain and a salad before tucking in the ponies.  Seeing that I ran out of time, it's a good thing I prepared the strawberries last night.

Dinner was off the charts!  A great celebration.
The salad (romaine, apples, pears, candied walnuts, crumbly blue and poppy seed dressing) was so good.
We even had shrimp before dinner.
Scott grilled shish ki bobs.
Loved the combination of flavors.  Coop had at least 3 helpings of lomain.

Many fun discussions with Finn, Coop and Heather.
Surprise!  Strawberry shortcake for dessert.

Night all.


1 comment:

  1. Wow, everything about this is wonderful! That all I can say. I love seeing happy people enjoying the company of those they love.


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