Monday, May 9, 2022

The Roofs Are Done!

Another gorgeous day.

The ponies were waiting to be served breakfast.

Jason and Willy were here bright and early....

They finished the top of the North side of Gary's barn first, then worked on the ridge cap and lightning rods.

Around 3 Carina (Heritage Bell Farm) and the kids came over to pick some rhubarb.  Can you see the tiny frog that was on this stalk?
What a sweet family!  I love bartering with her in exchange for the delicious breads she makes.  Tomorrow I am getting some pepperoni rolls.

Before chores I decided to mow the outdoor arena for the first time and will have to use the rake on it to get things leveled off. It does not seem to hurt the grass, and when it rains, I will throw some hay seeds on it.

Tucked the ponies in around 6:30.
They were ready.

We had a simple, very delicious dinner.  BBQued chicken, pilaf and a salad made with apples, carrots, celery, grapes, walnuts and craisins topped with fresh squeezed lemon juice and mayo.
Night all.

Before finishing, Jason took these spectacular photos!
All done by 3pm and the lift will be gone in the morning.  They did a great job!



  1. Beautiful roofs on the barns. They did a nice job. Kathy

  2. Wonderful! What a relief to have it more shingles blowing off and the snow will slide off.

    Take Care,

  3. Amazing, the photos show what a huge task this was, and now completed. Testimony to superb skilled men and the crane. You are nos all set up for gales, snow and hurricanes!!!

  4. The roof look fantastic! That is a huge outdoor arena you have there. You do a pretty good job with the cooking yourself.


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