Monday, May 16, 2022

The Heart Monitor is On....

Rain at last.  Not the much, but we needed it.

This honkin' lift is still in our yard and we are not happy.  Hopefully it will be gone tomorrow.  It's been sitting there in all it's glory for a week after the barns were done.  What the heck?
These strawberry plants (two in pots and two in old watering cans) are going in our kitchen garden along with the big pot that's been there for the past few years (which has produced gigantic berries).  

A little before 10 I went down to Strong West (cardiology) to get a heart monitor put on.
I had visions of what that would mean and appreciated the simplicity of it all.  This will be on me for two days.  No wires.  Nothing else.  I can even take a shower. Will turn it in on Wednesday morning and have a meeting with the cardiologist on Thursday.  No restrictions on my activity....I just keep doing what I normally do.
My friend Carina posted a fabulous recipe the other day and it looked so good I got all the ingredients and tried it tonight.
Asparagus, onions, peppers and portabella mushrooms tossed in olive oil and spices....
 roasted in the oven at 375 degrees.
Turned it off at put in the tortillas before going out to do evening chores.

Served it with a side of corn.
I had made some guacamole and added salsa, sour cream and a little cheese.
Wrapped it up like a burrito and it was delicious!
Little Wonder preferred to stay in the house from morning chores until evening chores.  At least it was much cooler inside and out.  Tonight we will go down to the high 40s.
Night all.


  1. The Crane lift??? Charge them storage fees. That dinky wee monitor, a huge improvement on the bulky one I had on for days, with leads, a bag to carry it in if I walked anywhere, this is what modern technology is about when it makes this data so easy to record.Nothing too strenuous Lori!!!! Or on the other hand, exercise to the limit and see what it shows.

  2. Your strawberries in watering cans gave me the great idea to do that; I have two old metal cans that would work. I could look at your photos of your horse and pony all day, well, not all day. Your dog is a cutie patootie and I hope you get the results you want from your heart monitor.

  3. Other than the mushrooms the tortillas look good.I just cannot eat mushrooms. It's a relief that the heart monitor is small and convenient, you won't have to worry about that part of it.


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