Tuesday, May 24, 2022

In Tandem

Perfect weather all day....in the 60s.

Gary planted celery, peppers and basil in our kitchen garden this morning.

I saw a recipe for rhubarb muffins and had all the ingredients so I made them.  Baking is not my thing.

When Gary got home after yoga and lunch we gave them a try.  SO GOOD!

Lunch was yummy.

At 4 Gary drove me and Little Wonder over to Heritage Bell Farm to pick up a couple loaves of Carina's cinnamon swirl bread.  Bartered some tomatoes plants.

We had leftover spags and a salad for dinner.
As per usual, Seamus and his horse were ready for dinner when I went out to do chores.
Both masks stayed on all day.

Did you notice?  Little Wonder was not panting.

Night all.

1 comment:

  1. Those muffins look good. So does lunch! I intended to do some planting today but my back said no. You have a good kitchen garden which actually looks close to the kitchen.


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