Sunday, May 22, 2022


What an unusual day.  2 hours of rain and thunder last night, warmish this morning, mid 50s this afternoon and sunshine this evening.

Very foggy when I went out to the barn.

Decided to put the plants out on the back porch for the summer.

Then I had a brainstorm to install this metal table top on the stump.  It will be handy for so many things.
Seamus and his horse were ready to get tucked in around 6.

Jenny and the boys were on their way back from Pennsylvania so we invited Scott up for dinner.  He just bought this motorcycle to save on gas going to work.  With diesel, it was costing him $25 a day to run his big truck back and forth!
We had spags and meatballs.

I'm finding it very hard not to keep thinking about my heart between now and the procedure.
Night all.



  1. I wish you well and a quick recovery.

    Take Care,

  2. You wouldn’t be normal if it wasn’t on your mind a lot. My cousin has had one for several years and she is 71. I know 2 other folks who have them and all fine just as you will be too. Kathy

  3. You will be fine Lori, anticipation is so hard to cope with, it just doesn't go away.
    But I know others who now have a Pacemaker, one a whole LOT older than you, and she is so well now. Love flying North.XXX Jean .

  4. You will be fine, the mind can be our worst enemy just before surgery. It happens to us all. On a lighter note, about fifteen years ago my Dad needed a pacemaker and drove himself to the hospital, had the install and thought he'd like to drive himself home (all before noon) until I discovered what was going on. I did drive him home just to be sure but all this is to say that the recovery can be faster than you might imagine (for some).

  5. The boy left his mask on! The table top is a great idea, makes the stump useful. As all have said, anticipation is the worst part sometimes. You will feel so much better after it's done.


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